Art does not work like education. It reaches people differently and makes quick, unexpected connections. It asks them to use different parts of their minds or work in different ways. If you force art to fit other norms, you blunt its effectiveness. – Francois Matarasso, A Restless Art, 2018
We are very pleased to be working in partnership with Newham Internally Commissioned Youth Service and Children’s Rights department on a pioneering new programme bringing artists and youth practitioners together. For the next 3 years we’ll be working to promote emotional resilience for children and young people in Newham.
Taking Design and Design thinking as our theme, we are building a stepped programme which over the next three years, will offer a breadth of activities which include mindfulness and a range of art forms at different entry points, respecting the unique talents and experience of individuals. We will introduce our young people to the concept that design is fundamental to every part of our lives. The programme will kickstart with a large scale event facilitated by Newham’s youth practitioners and Rosetta Arts artists and partners. The event will enable Newham’s young people to identify and explore opportunities in a safe space, and to work with our artists to identify the art forms, projects and processes they would most like to see as part of the programme. Their choices will transparently govern the delivery of the programme and they will have access the workshops to youth service venues across the borough. The event will be held annually to ensure the programme reflects the choices of each cohort of participants.
This programme is funded by HeadStart Newham Targeted Mental Health and Children and Young People Creative Arts And Sports Activities.