Husna Parvin – Oral History


Husna Parvin



HP: Husna Parvin
INT: Interviewer

INT: Can you introduce yourself?

HP: Em, I’m Husna Parvin, I’m a visual artist. I have been working in the community more than 10 years. Em, I joined Rosetta in 2022, it was the Artist Accelerator Programme. Joining Rosetta taught me many things. For example, before joining Rosetta, I used to say ‘yes’ to any new offer, now I’m very selective. Now, I take time, which is very important, I learn that I take time to say ‘yes’. I think about the time and the quality. I’m very proud of myself as I’m more calmer now, I’m more creative. It gives me time to think about my job as an Art Facilitator in the Community. Em, I used to do craft a lot, now I’m more focused on my painting and drawing. I’ve been working in the community eh, to promote well-being, as through creativity, people find their me-time. So, through Rosetta; it means, especially working with groups; with fellow artist friends; it means we share our struggles, especially how to work as a freelancer, and eh, coming to Rosetta, I feel this is my second home. It’s very free and welcoming – it’s a nice environment.

INT: Can you talk about the future, any plans or projects you want to do?

HP: I would like to have a solo exhibition, something huge and big. I’d like to have a flower exhibition because I like flowers. When I see flowers I see so much joy and so much detail. I would love to have an exhibition, people come to the exhibition and people see how beautiful a simple thing can be. Not only flowers, but some music and some visual effects. So, something I am looking forward to in the future and maybe involve some more people in the art exhibit, as an art facilitator as art has helped me become who I am today. I am more confident in painting especially. Painting gives me so much strength. I forget about when I paint who I am, I forget about who I am, very powerful and happy spirit and yes, I love to do more workshops in the community, promoting art in our community because art helps our mental health. Personally, it helps me a lot as I’m from Bangladesh and I struggle a lot as language was a barrier for me and going to art classes, it helps me and gives me a purpose, because when I paint and run my one workshop, I feel it’s me, something. Something about being yourself is a joy! You discover your strength, your power. Ask me another task and I might feel very shy, but when I paint, I feel it’s me… I love going to galleries, I love similar minded people and being creative in a group – a photographer, illustration, writing, painting, drama. I love being with the community – creative people. Maybe my language is different, but I feel art is an international language and I feel visual art has no language, we are one together, we express ourself, so yes, joining Rosetta Arts is amazing especially so many opportunities like workshops and I’d Iove to be involved in Rosetta more.

INT: You made a poster?

HP: I work with a women’s mother’s group Mohila Ongon. It celebrated The Bangladesh Fruit Festival. I made a banner for Mohila Ongon and I included an ideal scenario of village life in Bangladesh. It was really good feedback as everyone was saying I created Bangladesh, especially the young generation who had not been to Bangladesh, but through this banner, young people and new people connected. It was on display and after that I got an offer to work on a mural in a restaurant. I didn’t do this yet, but I want to work on a big banner involving mothers. I’m a mother, involving females. We can create a huge piece of art. I love challenging myself. I love painting on paper, acrylic, water colour. I love to paint on a wall, basically something big and something related to nature and to make people stand up in wonder and say how beautiful it is and how huge it is. So, creating this banner gives me this confidence, I say, I can paint you know, because I scared of huge scales and I can control my hand and my mind and the measurement. I think I’m ready, I don’t know when, but it will come soon. So, I’m excited, looking forward to starting something big; a mural. I Love to see people coming in Brick Lane or Newham and people wondering, who that artist is and what purpose is she creating for.

When we run workshops, especially groups, we become so expressive. We forget how shy we are, we become ourselves, talk more through creating. We need a tool and brush is my tool and painting is something I love. Creating on an empty canvas something amazing!




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