Rosetta Arts were selected by London Borough of Newham to transform the Wharfside underpass; an area of high deprivation and low arts engagement, in the heart of Canning Town.
Whilst researching and developing the design and concept of the installation, we ran a series of family art and schools workshop at Canning Town Library, Custom House and Canning Town Community Neighbourhood Centre and the ecology park delivered by appointed artist Helena Roden. By involving the public in our plans and encouraging them to share stories about the history of the place, we used the works and stories created during these sessions to inform the final design of the public art installation.
Between November 2017 and May 2018 we commissioned artist Helena Roden to design and produce the installation. Prior to design and build, we were faced with several challenges mainly surrounding issues of graffiti, homelessness and responding to the needs of the local community. From the outset, a high level of sensitivity was required to engage with the issues and worries that come with regeneration and change. We were fortunate to have the expertise of St Mercers, who supported us with the existing issues on the site around displacement and homelessness, where it was treated with consideration and respect. RMS were able to assist us with the removal of graffiti, making the site clean and safe in preparation for the installation.
The installation itself took place over several weeks in mid-spring. The final design took its inspiration from the flora and fauna in the ecology park with functional lighting features added, following the patterns of the installed sculptural pieces.
By animating a neglected corner of Canning Town, we improved the legibility of the area and have attracted new visitors to local areas of interests, such as arts organisations, libraries and parks.