Donate by text message

Make a one-off donation by text

To make a donation, text ‘GIVEONCE’ followed by a donation amount to 70085. So if you text ‘GIVEONCE 10’ that would donate £10.

This costs the amount of the donation, plus a standard rate message. You can opt to give any whole amount up to £20.

Give regularly by text

To make a regular donation, text ‘ROSETTAREGULAR’ followed by a donation amount to 70085 . So if you text ‘ROSETTAREGULAR 5’ that would donate £5 a month.

This costs the monthly donation, plus two standard rate messages. Alternatively, you can opt to give any whole amount up to £20 per month.


Keywords are not case sensitive and it does not matter if a space precedes an amount.




As a charity, Rosetta Arts relies on the support of people like you so that we can offer positive choices to the people of Newham.


Volunteers are an integral part of the Rosetta Arts family. Working alongside staff and resident artists, we have different ways to get involved according to your interests, skills and availability.