We are re-launching our Community Learning Classes for adults with learning disabilities. We welcome anyone aged 19+ to our studios in the Gainsborough Learning Centre, Hamilton Road, London E15 3AE (near to West Ham Station). Classes will be beginning 16th January 2023.
We have loads on offer to start the new year:
- Mosaic Design for Health & Wellbeing
- Pottery
- Arts & Crafts
Please click here to read our brochure and get more info. Courses are free for anyone on ESA or UC under £343 per month, and may be reduced for students on DLA / PIP / Housing Benefit if living in Newham, or for State Pensioners anywhere.
If you have any queries about the courses or want to chat things through before you sign up, call us on 0207 511 1117 or email us at admin@rosettaarts.org.
Click here to visit our full January 2023 adult art class listings.