What was Rosetta Arts up to in July?

July has seen us wrap up the Spring Courses at Rosetta Arts with assessments and goodbyes to our wonderful students. We’ve also been out and about in Newham and wider east London running courses, workshops, talks, tasters and events with community partners. Here are some July highlights. We:

  • Hosted a huge amount of activity at Newham’s biggest annual event The Newham Show where we curated the Newham Summer Exhibition, Mindful Arts with an Eastern Arts Focus, a Dotty Explosion participatory art work and sold works in a Bazaar.  Look back at some photos from the day.
  • Spoke about careers in the creative industries at the Caramel Rock School Fashion Week.
  • Attended the launch of the East Bank with the Mayor of London and appeared in a video from the London Legacy Development Corporation to celebrate.
  • Enjoyed vegetarian treats at our Monthly Munch for the community – this time in the park on the hottest day of the year! Our Munch happens on the last Thursday of every month in the Humble Gallery and you can mark yourself as attending here.
  • Were privileged to host a student placement called Mendy with us for six weeks from Hong Kong. We miss her! Take a look at this video where she talks about what it meant to be part of the Rosetta Family.
Our Monthly Munch in the park
Our Monthly Munch in the park
  • Said a fond farewell to Anamaria Wills who stepped down after serving as both a trustee and strategic advisor to Rosetta Arts over the last two years.
  • Put together an Autumn / Winter course programme for adults and launched our ART STARS! Saturday School.
  • Got muddy feet reflecting on culture in a digital world at the Wild conference hosted by Slung Low… in a field!
  • Invited national charity Sense to Rosetta Arts for a day of art activities for people who are deafblind, have sensory impairments or complex needs.
  • Released a delightful video (if we may say so ourselves) about our Be Creative! programme for young people with Newham’s youth services and funded by HeadStart Newham.

If you would like to talk about opportunities, partnerships and events, feel free to get in touch.



As a charity, Rosetta Arts relies on the support of people like you so that we can offer positive choices to the people of Newham.


Volunteers are an integral part of the Rosetta Arts family. Working alongside staff and resident artists, we have different ways to get involved according to your interests, skills and availability.

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